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Using Edge.js from NuGet

Has anyone been able to utilize the Edge.js package from NuGet within Linqpad? I add the package, write a small bit of code , test and receive an error (Unable to load DLL 'node.dll'). Upon review of the package, there are actually two node.dll files (x84 and x64). If I add either of those to the references, it will throw an exception about PE image doesn't contain managed metadata. If I add either of the node.dll files to the same folder where Edgejs.dll, I then receive 'Query ended unexpectedly'.

If I create a simple console app in visual studio, add the NeGet package, add the same bit of code, compile and execute, it works.

So, I do have a workaround (using visual studio), but I prefer to all my scratchpad testing in linqpad.

Thoughts/Ideas anyone?
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