Linqpad freezing on Dump
I'm running linqpad 5 for some time, currently on 5.43.00(anycpu)
Recently its started freezing anytime I call .Dump() in a script. the results window goes white and the app freezes.Only way to kill it is by right clicking on the task icon and closing or killing it in the task manager.
I tried reinstalling it again but no joy.
I grabbed linqpad6 and that doesnt have the same problem it seems. Except I need to run 5 since thats the license I have and i need code completion and debuggging capability.
Any help appreciated.
Does this happen when you call Dump on a simple type such as a string or integer?
"yes, it freezes".Dump();
Hmm, interesting. I've been trying a few things to fix this. I tried re-installing graphics drivers from a clean install, didnt seem to fix it.
Tried installing a different version of linqpad 5, the default download version rather than AnyCPU, no difference.
Finally i thought to try turning back on the windows 10 performance options. Since wfh I had turned everything off except for smooth fonts. I switched back to let windows decide.
Seems to have fixed the issue.
ok, maybe i spoke too soon. I switched back to AnyCPU and then ran that and switched back to dark mode from default...and its broken again. Even reversing that part of the process doesnt bring the results window back to working and freezes the app.
However running the hello world query seems to get it working again shrugs
Let us know if you find a root cause.
@JoeAlbahari Actually I know a situation LINQPad can do better:

I Expect better handling for this situation, maybe like this(Please focus on the result):

This is a different problem: the execution that the CLR throws when trying to deference that pointer is uncatchable and so it crashes the process. It looks like I'll have to remove the functionality from LINQPad that automatically dereferences pointers.