Issue With Chromium Engine
Using chromium causes the results to accumulate. For example, in the below screenshot the Results
pane is the product of running the script a couple times. In addition to the new results being appended, a new tab is created in my browser upon each execution pointing to an html
file. The address looks like this: file:///C:/Users/Sorax/AppData/Local/Temp/LINQPad6/_xtjxyyoj/query.html
I didn't install WebView2 but have the following version of Edge installed:Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.864.1 (Official build) dev (64-bit)
andLINQPad v6.14.1 (X64)
Are you running a Windows Insider build, or have you selected the Edge Dev Channel?
And is there anything unusual about your Edge or Windows setup? I've tried 91.0.864.1 with LINQPad and it runs OK apart from some redraw issues.
I'm not running an Insider build. Yes, I'm using Edge Dev Channel. The issue is occurring on my machine provided by work, which I keep setup as close to normal as possible. Is there something under the covers that might have an interaction I should check?
The Task Manager looks like this on the machine that I'm experiencing the issue. The

tasks is a difference compared to my other machines:I tried to reproduce on another machine and couldn't. It was running Windows Insider Dev Channel build for what that is worth.
Thank you for your time.
Try the latest beta (6.14.2). LINQPad no longer uses a local URI and populates the DOM entirely with JavaScript. It also retries if the browser fails to respond. This should maximize the chance of it working, although I suspect your browser is messed up in some way.
Your changes seem to have done the trick! I haven't experienced the issue since updating. Thank you!